Is Maribe really A FREE WOMAN?

ian mwangi

 The ODPP [OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTION ] has said the the are not satisfied with the court ruling on MONICA'S MUDER CASE on 9th FEB 2024, for acquitting the former news host JACQUE MARIBE .The statement from the SENIOR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTION O.J OMONDI “Take notice that the Republic, the intended Appellant herein, being dissatisfied with the decision of the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi (Hon. G. Nzioka), delivered in Nairobi on the 9th of February 2024, appeals to the Court of Appeal against the part of the judgment acquitting the 2nd Accused Person,” reads the notice. 

The judge ruled that the evidence adduced by the prosecution against Maribe did not place her in the house of the deceased on the fateful night therefore exonerating her from the charge.

"There was no evidence that she had ever communicated with the deceased. The evidence that the prosecution has brought before this court on the second accused person relates to events of September 20, 2018, and that is the shooting incident," noted Justice Nzioka. 

The judge however pointed out that Maribe had been found to have given contradicting information while recording her earlier statements on how Jowie sustained a gunshot wound, terming the offence as giving misleading information to a public servant.

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