How love and sh100 changed a couples life -the happy ever after story

ian mwangi

 The couple hugs after exchanging their vows.

Tthe [sh 100couple]WILSON AND ANN modest wedding was held at the community Christian Worship church in Kasarani on Sunday, January 22 2017. The wedding is said to have cost sSh. 100, with which the groom used to buy wedding rings worth Sh. 50 each.

The foundation of their relationship was forged in the church where they met.

"We met at our church's youth conference and I noticed you were the best dressed of everyone else in the group. I made the first move and asked for his number. and that is how we started talking," Ann narrated their first encounter.

Wilson on his part claims that he feigned ignorance and acted like he doesn't notice Ann's efforts even after she bro-zoned him.

"Wilson paid for their wedding bands and went to his pastor at the Community Christian Worship Centre in Kasaran asking him to officiate their union.When the pastor posted this beautiful story on his Facebook page, the story went viral

the couple warmed many Kenyan hearts when they wed in a 100 bob wedding ,
Everyone in the wedding industry scrambled to get the 100 bob wedding couple a top notch wedding.

Their second wedding, a do-over cost Sh 3.5 million. Some other gifts thrown their way was an-all-expense paid honeymoon in Diani.In Pictures: A peek at the 100 bob couple’s wedding

100 bob couple wedding

The Entourage

100 bob couple wedding 6

The gorgeous bride

100 bob couple wedding

The handsome groom

100 bob couple wedding

Beautiful decor at the venue

100 bob couple wedding

The sign says it all

100 bob couple wedding cake

Speaking in an interview with Switch TV, Wilson and Ann detailed their journey in marriage together.

Once the honeymoon phase was over, Ann says that they had some issues and the worst advice she was given was to leave Wilson for a year, for things to cool down.

Ann said, "If you lay a strong foundation in marriage, nothing can break it no matter what.

Supporting his wife's sage observation, Wilson added, "As a married man, there are so many challenges, and one way to overcome that is to have a close relationship with your wife."

The couple that held one of the most humble weddings at a cost of Sh. 100 has now been awarded a plot and a greenhouse project worth Sh. 1 million.

Wilson Wanjohi, 27, and Ann Muhonja, 23 were awarded by property firm Diamond Merchants, who gave them an eighth acre plot valued at half a million shillings with a Sh. 320,000 greenhouse and capsicum crop in Isinya, Kajiado County.

The couple at their modest wedding.

“This is to let you know that as you start your journey into marriage, this is an investment. You will now be farmers by extension where you will be getting at least Sh. 450,000 returns per year,” Diamond Merchants’s Sales and Marketing Director Edwin Khiranga told the couple.

Besides that, the two love birds own a small supermarket  which is currently financing their daily bills.

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